Lokman Hekim University Continues to Fight Addiction
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Tarih: 05.12.2024
Lokman Hekim University Continues to Fight Addiction
In cooperation with Lokman Hekim University and Özgür Köy Treatment and Rehabilitation Center, Addiction Days III Symposium was held on Thursday, December 5, 2024 at the A block conference hall of our university.
The symposium started with the opening speeches of Rector Prof. Dr. Fatih GÜLTEKİN and Ozgur Köy Treatment and Rehabilitation Center Responsible Physician Prof. Dr. Zehra ARIKAN, and the importance of Combating Addiction was emphasized.
Fight Against Addiction
In the opening speech of the symposium, Prof. Dr. Fatih GÜLTEKİN emphasized that Lokman Hekim University will fight against addiction with all its facilities and stated that units such as Özgür Köy Treatment and Rehabilitation Center should be supported and the number of these centers should increase.
In her opening speech, Center Director Prof. Dr. Zehra ARIKAN talked about the activities of the center and stated that addiction is a disease and that the doors of Özgür Köy Treatment and Rehabilitation Center are open to all patients for its treatment.
It is Possible to Be Free from Addiction
In the symposium, where many speakers who are experts in their fields addressed addiction types such as substance, alcohol, gambling and technology, the treatment methods of patients were discussed.
Not only the patients but also their families were informed about the difficult processes, psychological conditions and how to overcome the disease.
The results of researches on the treatment methods and processes of addiction types in our country and in the world, and the length of time to stay clean or sober after treatment were shared.