• TR | EN
  • Tarih: 09.01.2025


    1) Click here for the Fall and Spring Semester Central Placement Score (Additional Article-1) and Application Principles determined by the Council of Higher Education.

    If the student's central placement (OSYM) score in the year of enrollment is equal to or higher than the base score of the program he / she wants to transfer to, the student can apply for transfer, including preparatory class, intermediate classes and senior year, regardless of success status and program equivalence.

    2) Article 7, paragraph 2 of the “Regulation on the Principles of Transferring Between Associate and Undergraduate Programs, Double Major, Minor and Credit Transfer Between Institutions in Higher Education Institutions” published in the Official Gazette dated 24.04.2010 and numbered 27561 states that“The criteria to be used in the evaluation of transfer applications and the minimum conditions required for transfer are determined by the university senates.”

    Click here for inter-institutional transfer application requirements .


    2024-2025 Academic Year Spring Semester GPA (Inter-Institutional) and Central Placement Score (within the scope of Additional Article-1) transfer applications will start on 09.01.2025 at 10:00.

    Applications will be made online and applications will not be accepted by hand or by mail.

    For Online Application Click here. .


    In order for the application to be evaluated, the specified documents must be uploaded to the online application system by the deadline. Applications with missing documents will not be evaluated.

    • High School Diploma (can be obtained via e-government)
    • Photocopy of Identity Card
    • Certificate that you have not made a transfer before (Certificate of No Obstacle to Transfer)
    • Original Transcript (Certified original)
    • Course Syllabus (Certified original)
    • Student Certificate (New dated certified original)
    • Proof of No Disciplinary Action (can be included in Transcript or Student Document)
    • OSYM Placement Certificate
    • ÖSYM Result Certificate
    • Fee Receipt


    2024-2025 Inter-institutional Transfer Quotas (Associate Degree Programs)

    2024-2025 Academic Year Spring Semester Additional Article-1 (MYP)

    Horizontal Transfer Quotas (Associate and Undergraduate Programs)


    2024-2025 Academic Year Spring Semester GPA (Inter-institutional) and

    Application and Evaluation Calendar for Transfer with Central Placement Score (Additional Article 1)





    Receiving Applications



    Evaluating the Applications and Notifying the Student Affairs Coordinator



    Announcement of Winning Candidates


    Final Registrations (Principal List)



    Final Registrations (Reserve List)




    NOTE : Candidates who apply for transfer to the English Program of the Faculty of Pharmacy must upload their English language proficiency documents during the application. Otherwise, their applications will be deemed invalid.

    Account Information to Deposit the Application Fee

    Application Fee 500 TL


    IBAN: TR64 0003 2000 0000 0088 9884 12

    Name-Surname-T.C. No-Horizontal Transfer Application Fee- should be written in the explanation section. Fee refunds will not be made for students who make payments that do not comply with the application requirements or if the right to transfer is not gained.

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