• TR | EN
  • Tarih: 03.12.2024

    Another first is happening at our university.

    Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation became the first department to apply for program accreditation and complete the evaluation processes.

    Our Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Undergraduate Program applied by sending a letter of intent to the Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Education Programs Evaluation and Accreditation Association (FTR-AD) on January 31, 2024, and the application was notified that the application was accepted with the response letter received from the association on March 01, 2024.

    Subsequently, a Self-Assessment Report was prepared by the faculty members of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, one of the pioneering departments of our university, which stands out with its strong academic staff, and submitted to FTR-AD. Following the review of the report by the association, a field visit to the institution was deemed appropriate and a schedule was determined.

    The dates of 01-03 December 2024 were determined for the Institutional Site Visit and the Head of the Team, Prof. Dr. Semin Akel, assigned by FTR-AD, Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek Kırmacı, Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek Kırmacı, Dr. Lecturer Sabiha Bezgin and Dr. Lecturer Vedat Kurt. The Accreditation Evaluation Institution Site Visit was successfully carried out by the Evaluation Team consisting of Prof. Dr. Vedat Kurt.

    We wish the process to be beneficial for our University, Faculty of Health Sciences and Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation.

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