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  • Tarih: 27.12.2024

    Halal Conformity Assessment Bodies Workshop was Successfully Held

    “Halal Conformity Assessment Organizations Workshop” organized by Lokman Hekim University Halal Product Application and Research Center was held with the participation of 22 (twenty-two) representatives from 15 (fifteen) Halal Conformity Assessment organizations operating in the field of Halal Conformity Assessment in our country. On Thursday 26.12.2024, members of the Central Board of Directors, representatives of the Standards and Metrology Institute of Islamic Countries (SMIIC), Presidency of Religious Affairs High Council of Religious Affairs, Halal Accreditation Agency (HAK), Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry General Directorate of Food and Control and National Food Reference Laboratory Directorate attended the workshop hosted by our university as observers.

    In the workshop on “Evaluation of the Implementation of the OIC/SMIIC 1: 2019 General Requirements Standard for Halal Food”, issues such as the perspective of halal certification bodies on standard clauses, possible differences in practice during audits, revision suggestions on standard clauses were discussed, and it was aimed to improve halal conformity assessment processes and increase cooperation among stakeholders in the sector.

    Lokman Hekim University Rector Prof. Dr. Fatih GÜLTEKİN made the opening speech of the workshop. In his speech, Prof. Dr. Fatih GÜLTEKİN mentioned that halal certified products are a reliable tool for consumers who are sensitive to this issue and also emphasized their importance in terms of health and gave information about the academic studies of the university in this field.

    Our University Halal Product Application and Research Center System Responsible Expert Fatma Betül TELLİOĞLU introduced the activities of the Center. Interactive group studies were organized in the event moderated by Ercan KURT, Certification Coordinator of the Center. With the participation of competent experts in the field and representatives of halal certification bodies operating in the sector, the problems and solutions encountered in halal conformity assessment processes were discussed.

    The outputs obtained as a result of the workshop were presented by Lokman Hekim University Halal Product Application and Research Center to the Standards and Metrology Institute of Islamic Countries (SMIIC) through the mirror committee of our country and it was aimed to contribute to the revision studies of the standard.

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