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  • Tarih: 03.12.2024

    A better world is possible together...

    Lokman Hekim University organized a meaningful event within the scope of December 3, World Disability Day. Academicians and students of the Department of Speech and Language Therapy of the Faculty of Health Sciences met with the little hearts of Keçiören Special Education Kindergarten.

    Prof. Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Ayşe İlayda Mutlu led the visit, which witnessed moments full of love and solidarity. Not only did they have fun with the creative activities carried out with the young students, but also the message that “we can overcome obstacles together” was reinforced.

    The smiles on the children's faces during this meaningful meeting once again demonstrated the importance of acting together for a world without barriers. Lokman Hekim University continues to raise awareness in the society and contribute to a future that embraces everyone.

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