• TR | EN
  • Tarih: 21.10.2024




    INTRODUCTION (Scientific justifications of the research, existing knowledge, which knowledge gap the review will fill should be explained based on the literature)

    PURPOSE (The purpose statement should express exactly what is intended to be done in the research. In the purpose statement, the study group, dependent variable, independent variables and comparison group, if any, should be specified)

    RESEARCH QUESTIONS (The study group, dependent variable, independent variables and comparison group, if any, should be specified consistently with the research purpose)

    METHOD (How the scientific method is used to answer the research questions in line with the purpose of the study should be explained in detail in a repeatable way)

    Study design (Study design should be clearly stated as descriptive, correlational, qualitative, etc.)

    Location of the study (The location, institution, region and characteristics of the study should be specified)

    Study group (Universe, sample, sample size and how it is calculated and sample selection method should be specified)

    Data collection tools (The data related to the variables of the research, questionnaire form, observation form, scale, etc. should be explained)

    Data collection (By whom, where and how the data will be collected should be specified. In-vivo and in-vitro methods in biophysiological measurements should be explained)

    Data Analysis (should be specified in general terms)

    Ethical Dimension (Plans for ethics committee, institutional permission and obtaining consent from participants should be explained)

    (The thesis report should also include the headings RESULTS, DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS )





    (For Experimental/Intervention studies with humans, SPIRIT guides should be used for creating a research protocol (thesis proposal) and CONSORT guides should be used for thesis reporting. https://www.equator-network.org/ )

    Theses with an experimental study design must be registered on an experiment registration platform before submission to the Graduate School, and the registration number must be indicated in the introduction to the methods section of the thesis.

    (Declaration of Helsinki: “Every research study involving human subjects must be registered in a publicly available database before the first subject is enrolled in the study.” (Article 35 of the Declaration of Helsinki: Registration of Research and Publication and Dissemination of Results. The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) accepts openly accessible registrations to any of the primary registration sites of the WHO clinical trial registration platform (ICTRP) or ClinicalTrials.com).



    (For analytical epidemiologic studies, the STROBE guide should be used in the creation of a research protocol (thesis proposal) and thesis reporting. https://www.equator network.org/)


    (For Systematic Review-Meta-Analysis studies, PRISMA-P guidelines should be utilized in creating a research protocol (thesis proposal) and PRISMA guidelines should be utilized in thesis reporting. https://www.equator-network.org/)


    (For qualitative studies, SRQR and COREQ guidelines should be used in thesis proposal formulation and thesis reporting. https://www.equator-network.org/)

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