• TR | EN
  • Tarih: 31.05.2024

    The IIIrd Career Days, organized by Lokman Hekim University, were successfully completed.

    During the three-day event from May 22nd to May 24th, 2024, esteemed professionals from the healthcare sector and academia shared their stories, guided students on carving their paths after graduation, and provided insights into taking career steps. Held in A and C Blocks, Career Days provided students with opportunities to receive training in various areas such as resume writing and effective interview techniques, and to network with valuable industry leaders and human resources managers.

    The marathon, which began with Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kemal ÜNSAL as the guest of the Faculty of Dentistry on May 22nd, concluded with the interview and CV preparation workshops of the School of Health Services Vocational School.

    We extend our gratitude to all participants who showed interest in the IIIrd Career Days.

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