DUDAMER Trainings are Continuing
Tarih: 24.02.2024
Lokman Hekim University Cleft Lip and Palate and Associated Anomalies Application and Research Center trainings continue.
For the second time this year, American National Institutes of Health Clinical Director Janice LEE participated in the Primary and Secondary Cleft Lip/Palate and Live Surgery Course.
On February 23 - 24, 2024, the first day of the training was held at Lokman Hekim University Akay Hospital, where the Center Director Prof. Dr. Reha KIŞNİŞCİ performed cleft lip/palate surgery live broadcasted to the participants in our university conference hall.
Following the live broadcast, participants applied cleft lip/palate simulation on suture models produced within LHÜSINERG at the Dentistry Faculty laboratory.
The opening speeches of our University Board of Trustees Chairman Dr. Mehmet ALTUĞ, our Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Zehra GÖLBAŞI, Dentistry Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Lale KARAAĞAÇLIOĞLU, and Center Director Prof. Dr. Reha KIŞNİŞCİ marked the beginning of the second day of the training, where American National Institutes of Health Clinical Director Janice LEE conducted presentations on cleft lip/palate.
Prof. Dr. Reha KIŞNİŞCİ, Director of the Cleft Lip, Palate, and Related Anomalies Application and Research Center at LHU, thanked the participants of the training, emphasizing that DUDAMER trainings will continue with participants from many parts of the world who are experts in the field.