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    Lokman Hekim University quality assurance system is based on national and international standards. While the legislation of the Council of Higher Education (YÖK), the Turkish Higher Education Qualifications Framework (TYYÇ), the Vocational Qualifications Authority and the Institutional Evaluation Programme of the Higher Education Quality Board are followed as national standards for the establishment and maintenance of quality assurance mechanisms, the requirements of the Bologna process, European Standards and Guidelines (ASY/ESG) are based on international standards.

    At Lokman Hekim University, quality assurance activities are carried out with defined processes under the responsibility of the Quality Commission with the participation of the university senior management (https://www.lokmanhekim.edu.tr/universitemiz/kalite-guvence-yonergesi/).

    The quality assurance system of our health-themed university consists of 5 sub-steps that integrate with each other. These are

          1. Education and Training,

          2. Research and Development,

          3. Social Contribution,

          4. Entrepreneurship,

          5. Institutional Capacity Building


    1.Education and Training:

    Our aim is to develop, maintain and advance the position of a leading global university with its education and training services in health sciences. There are 5 objectives and 17 performance indicators determined under this objective.

    2.Research and Development:

    Our aim is to contribute to the advancement of knowledge through the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge. 2 objectives and 8 performance indicators have been determined.

    3.Social Contribution:

     It is aimed to carry out studies to produce solutions to health problems that threaten the society in cooperation with different stakeholder segments, to ensure the dissemination of information and to raise awareness. Performance is monitored with 1 target and 4 performance indicators.


    To determine commercialisation targets that are compatible with the research strategy of Lokman Hekim University and will create a synergistic effect and to transform them into income-generating applications. 3 targets and 10 performance indicators are determined and monitored.

    5.Improving Institutional Capacity:

    With the strategy of developing the institutional capacity of Lokman Hekim University, it is aimed to establish practices and systems that will ensure capacity development in all aspects of the institution. 5 targets and 13 performance indicators are determined and monitored. 

    The sub-steps of Education-Training, Research-Development and Entrepreneurship, Social Contribution and Improving Institutional Capacity are evaluated within the institutional framework by measuring, analysing, evaluating the institutional performance indicators through annual monitoring, and determining, implementing, monitoring and reviewing the measures to be taken and/or steps for improvement as a result of the evaluations. 

    The completion of the cycles for each sub-step of the Plan, Implement, Control and Take Measures (PDCA) cycle is the basic element of our quality assurance system and is implemented and will be implemented to achieve our strategic goals in line with the mission, vision and values of Lokman Hekim University.

    Completion of the cycles of the Plan, Implement, Control and Take Measure (PDCA) cycle for each sub-step is the basic element of our quality assurance system and is implemented and implemented to achieve our strategic goals in line with the mission, vision and values of Lokman Hekim University.

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