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    Lokman Hekim University aims to continuously improve in line with national and international quality standards, reflecting its corporate values, in line with its mission and strategic plan.

    Lokman Hekim University;

    1. Prioritises transparency, accountability and participation in all quality processes.
    2. It aims continuous improvement in line with national and international standards with its quality assurance system.
    3. It develops quality assurance policies by the Quality Commission and Strategy Development and Quality Assurance Coordination, receives stakeholder opinions, reflects them to all units and monitors the practices.
    4. With the internal quality assurance system, it defines all processes under the headings of education, research, entrepreneurship, social contribution and governance, evaluates them with annual and five-year cycles and ensures their sustainability.
    5. It carries out the planning, implementation, control and precautionary steps of the internal quality cycle with annual reports.
    6. All academic and administrative staff are responsible for the establishment and maintenance of the internal quality assurance system.
    7. Periodically realises the participation of stakeholders in the processes within the framework of a certain calendar.


    In the light of the changing/developing environment of higher education and the national and international trends adopted today, Lokman Hekim University aims for a sustainable governance model that clearly and clearly determines the authorities and responsibilities, works effectively and efficiently, and carries the responsibility of accountability to the public where mutual interactions are prominent.

    1. LHU determines the appropriate governance model to provide qualified human resources and other necessary resources for development and ensures its sustainability.

    2. Establishes the organisational structure at a realistic level and determines, announces, monitors and evaluates managerial processes at all levels.

    3. It supports the efficient and motivated work of the university employees and encourages interaction and cooperation,

    4. Oversees the compliance of the decisions taken with the legislation and ensures that they are systematically recognised.

    5. Establishes and announces the processes that ensure the participation of internal and external stakeholders in decisions, implements them and makes the necessary improvements.

    6. Carries out administrative and financial processes in line with the mission and vision of LHU, in accordance with the legislation and sharing principles.

    7. It cares about accountability and transparency, carries out defined processes and systematically uses public information channels.


    Lokman Hekim University educates effective and competent health professionals in the field by considering national and international standards/requirements in accordance with the mission and vision of the University with associate, undergraduate and graduate level education carried out in the Institute, Faculties and Vocational School of Health Services. It has determined the following policies for this purpose.

    LHU Education Policies;

    1. Develops and institutionalises a student-centred approach with a quality-based education philosophy.
    2. As a health-themed university, it educates health professionals who are competent, equipped and have ethical principles.
    3. Takes and improves the necessary measures to create the academic structure required for education.
    4. Ensures that learning environments and equipment are ready and kept up to date.
    5. Implements an outcome-oriented curriculum and a measurement and evaluation system that evaluates learning outcomes.
    6. It aims to provide students with 21st century competences such as self-management, entrepreneurship, collaborative work, communication skills, problem solving and critical thinking as well as professional skills.
    7. Supports students' subjective well-being in culture, arts, sports and social aspects.
    8. Prioritises internationalisation in education and adopts current policies and approaches in this regard.
    9. Creates new programmes in graduate education according to national and international requirements.
    10. It makes systematic evaluation and plans improvements by receiving feedback from stakeholders in education and training processes.
    11. It cares and supports open communication between management units, academic staff, administrative units responsible for education and students.
    12. Adopts the principle of using up-to-date information technologies in education, supports students and instructors in this field, and provides the necessary equipment.
    13. It monitors the performance of the teaching staff for education and supports their development.
    14. It prepares for changes that may occur in education and training processes in extraordinary situations, plans and realises the further steps to be taken.
    15. It aims to raise individuals who will be proud to graduate from Lokman Hekim University and have high institutional belonging.


    Lokman Hekim University aims to produce knowledge and train qualified researchers with research and development studies in the field of health, taking into account social needs in line with national and international developments, development goals and priorities.

    LHU Research Policies;

    1. As a health-themed university, it conducts research on the national, regional and global needs of health care,
    2. It pioneers developments in the field of health with a holistic perspective by supporting traditional and innovative research,
    3. It takes measures to increase research and development capacity, implements practices and ensures continuity,
    4. It supports the research of academic staff with internal resources and encourages them to obtain research funding from external sources,
    5. It ensures the development of information resources, qualified manpower and infrastructures for research,
    6. It encourages and supports research and development projects to be carried out with university-industry co-operation and scientific studies with innovative, high added value and high potential to turn into products,
    7. It provides direct support to studies that are in line with the research priorities of the University and will strengthen its leadership in the field of health,
    8. Encourages research projects to increase outputs such as patents, utility models and copyrights with high added value,
    9. It shares the knowledge obtained in research and development processes with the society at national and international level through tools with high impact value,
    10. Carries out research and development processes in co-operation with national and international stakeholders,
    11. Systematically monitors research performance, develops it with feedback and contributes to its improvement,
    12. It ensures the training of qualified and entrepreneurial researchers by developing graduate programmes,
    13. Supports the research and development activities of undergraduate and graduate students.
    14. It monitors and evaluates the work carried out in the field of research and improves and strengthens it with feedback.


    Lokman Hekim University considers it as a component of its corporate responsibility to carry out studies that protect and improve public health and provide solutions to possible health problems and needs by meeting with the society, exchanging mutual information, organising joint projects and similar activities, raising awareness and disseminating information. Within the framework of this social responsibility, the basic approaches guiding our quality policy will be as follows,

    1. By working in effective cooperation and coordination with all stakeholders in efforts to create a healthy society with projects aimed at meeting the priority needs of the society, it creates a synergistic environment where one plus one is worth more than two.
    2. It contributes to the efforts to improve the quality of life of the society with its projects, social and cultural activities,
    3. With the awareness that it is the social and intellectual responsibility of universities to make a sustainable contribution to disadvantaged groups and ecological problems in the society in which they live, it encourages students to get to know the relationships in society and to establish social networks,
    4. Carries out social contribution activities in a planned manner, sensitive to the health needs of the society, in accordance with ethical values,
    5. In line with the health needs of the society, it offers the products resulting from education-research-development activities for the benefit of the society through technology transfer office, continuing education centre, application and research centres and other channels,
    6. Becomes a solution partner to national and global problems with research and suggestions,
    7. Raises awareness by working to contribute to the development of public health in cooperation with stakeholders in social responsibility projects carried out / planned to be carried out within the university,
    8. It develops projects by taking into account regional, national and global needs and involves its stakeholders, especially the students it educates, in the process,
    9. It encourages academic and administrative staff and students to be sensitive to social problems and changes,
    10. It disseminates educational activities that will contribute to society by customising them for individuals and groups at all levels and using good practice examples for the benefit of society,
    11. Encourages research and development activities to be transformed into social contribution,
    12. It monitors the policies on the protection and development of health, and supports policy-making efforts with its knowledge, experience and experts.
    13. It monitors, evaluates and improves the studies carried out by the university in the field of social contribution through feedbacks,


    LHU aims to transform the intellectual products resulting from research and development activities into economic benefits and to develop the entrepreneurial skills of our employees for this purpose.

    LHU Entrepreneurship Policy:

    1. Implement arrangements to facilitate academics and administrative employees to become entrepreneurs in addition to their professional work

    2. Creates programmes to address the needs of the innovations obtained as a result of R&D in the whole process from idea to product,

    3. Encourages students/academics/administrative staff/entrepreneurs of Lokman Hekim University to participate in acceleration programmes for early stage initiatives and become investors,

    4. LHU enables corporate companies to provide professional mentoring services and order support in order to develop mechanisms to support entrepreneurship,

    5. Our university encourages and supports the development of various types of entrepreneurship (Social Entrepreneurship, Impact Entrepreneurship and Technology Entrepreneurship),

    6. Organises trainings to increase Scientific and Technological Research Competence,

    7. Develops support mechanisms for the formation of an intellectual property pool.

    8. Carries out cooperation and interaction activities with the business world and industry,

    9. Establishes support mechanisms enabling economic contribution and commercialisation activities.

    10. It monitors, evaluates and improves its activities in the field of entrepreneurship with feedback.


    "Institutional capacity" is based on policies developed to organise, manage and aim to have a structure that can operate in a sustainable manner in order to achieve the mission, vision and goals of our university.

    LHU Institutional Capacity Policy

    1. Determine and monitor the strategy to improve the institutional capacity of LHU.

    2. Establish an effective and efficient management system by optimising management processes and functioning.

    3. Carries out the necessary structural arrangements by taking into account national and international standards and current legislation,

    4. Establishes a sustainable and strong financial structure by improving management and audit processes and diversifying its financial resources,

    5. Provides and develops the human and material resources required for scientific activities and studies.

    6. Determines, prioritises, systematises and implements the needs in staff recruitment and staff training planning,

    7. Creates working environments for employee motivation, improves internal and external communication processes,

    8. Creates a job profile for the tasks to be carried out by analysing the tasks to be used in determining the performance levels.

    9. Identifies inadequacies and needs based on performance data and documents them by making improvements,

    10. Introduces the processes and systems it uses to increase the capacity it determines based on the needs analysis to the institution, and systematically carries out the necessary trainings

    11. Ensures the creation and development of physical and technological infrastructure to support capacity increase

    12. It ensures the systematic evaluation and development of the performance of the university's management staff, boards of directors and academic and administrative staff.

    13. Implements participatory, transparent and fair management practices to increase the recognition and reliability of the University.

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