English Placement Test (STS) and English Preparatory Exemption Exam (EPE)
Tarih: 13.08.2024
Attention to our candidates who will be placed in Lokman Hekim University English Departments (Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy) and who want to receive Optional Preparatory Education
Lokman Hekim University DİLMER
Information on the English Placement Test (STS)
Dear Student
* It will be held face-to-face on Tuesday, September 03, 2024 at 11:00 am. The Placement Test (PLT) consists of a total of 80 multiple-choice questions and will last 60 minutes.
* The exam will consist of four sections: listening, vocabulary, reading comprehension and grammar.
* If you answer approximately 2/3 of the questions correctly in the placement test (65 points), you will be eligible to take the English Exemption Exam (EPE).
* Depending on the number of correct questions you answer in the exam, your level (A1, A2, B1) in the LHU Preparatory Program will be determined.
* Your exam result and level will be announced on the same day at 19.00 on our university website.
* Please leave the questions you do not know blank in order to determine your level correctly.
Lokman Hekim University DİLMER
Information about the English Exemption Exam (EPE)
Dear Student
* The English Proficiency Exam (EPE), which will be held face-to-face on Wednesday, September 04, 2024 at 10:00, consists of two separate sessions, morning and afternoon (14:00).
* The first session consists of Reading, Listening and Writing skills and will last approximately 100 minutes.
* The second session only measures speaking skills. Each student will take the exam alone in the designated classroom and the speaking exam will last a maximum of 6 minutes in total.
FIRST SESSION (10:00-11:40)
* Reading Comprehension
* Listening Comprehension
* For the Writing section, you are expected to write an essay of approximately two hundred fifty (250) words on the given topic.
SECOND SESSION (14:00-17:00)
* The speaking exam consists of three short sections and will last a maximum of 6 minutes for each candidate.
* Each student will take the oral exam alone in the exam room shown to him/her in accordance with the name list arranged in order of surname.
* You must wait for your turn until the exam time on the list. Your exam time will not be changed.
* Depending on the number of correct questions you answer in the four areas (at least 65% success), you will be enrolled in the LHU Preparatory Program or your relevant department.
* Your exam result will be announced on our university website on Friday, September 06, 2024 at 17:00.
* If you successfully pass the English Exemption Exam (EPE), you will be exempted from the preparatory program.
We wish you all success in the exam with the hope that you have a good academic year.