Turkish Placement Test Announcement
Tarih: 21.08.2024
Dear Students
The first of this year's Turkish Placement Tests will be held face-to-face on Monday, September 09, 2024 at 11:00 am. In the general placement test, there are questions at A1-A2-B1-B2-C1 levels.
Information about the Turkish Placement Exam:
For students enrolled in our university:
- Lokman Hekim University students who want to participate in the exam; They must fill in the necessary information from the registration link below and make their applications. The deadline for the exam is Thursday, September 5, 2024 at 18.00.
- The student must have his/her passport with him/her when coming to the exam.
- The student will be placed in the class to be opened according to the level he/she is at as a result of the exam.
- The exam results will be announced one week after the exam date and no written document will be given.
- The general placement exam will be free of charge for students who have registered to Lokman Hekim University.
For students who are not enrolled in our university:
- Students who want to take the exam will be able to request an appointment by sending their passport, bank receipt and signed petition to dilmer@lokmanhekim.edu.tr e-mail address until Thursday 05 September 2024 at 18.00, indicating the date they want to take the exam. A confirmation message will be sent to them and the exam registration process will be completed.
- The student must have his/her passport with him/her when coming to the exam.
- The exam results will be announced one week after the exam date and no written document will be given. It will be sent to the student's e-mail address with a signature.
- The fee forstudents who are not registered at our university is 1000 TL.
- Those who wish to participate should send their receipt and documents required for the exam to dilmer@lokmanhekim.edu.tr and write the phrase “LHU Dilmer Exam Fee” in the description section.
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