(Approved at the meeting of Lokman Hekim University Senate dated 09 April 2019 and
Revised on 27 August 2019).
Purpose, Scope, Basis and Definitions
ARTICLE 1- (1) This directive applies to the faculties and faculties of Lokman Hekim University.
Courses in the School programmes and courses opened in the common elective course pool and courses
regulates the procedures and principles to be followed regarding the responsible persons.
ARTICLE 2- (1) This directive is issued by Lokman Hekim University in accordance with the provisions related to common courses
ARTICLE 3- (1) This directive is in accordance with the Higher Education Law dated 04/11/1984 and numbered 2547
Article 14 and the Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 18/02/1982 and numbered 17609 on Universities
According to Article 5 of the Regulation on Academic Organisation and Lokman Hekim University Associate and Undergraduate
It has been prepared based on the Education and Examination Regulations and Lokman Hekim University Faculty of Medicine Education and Examination Regulations.
ARTICLE 4- (1) In this directive;
Academic calendar: The duration and dates of registration, courses, exams and similar activities in an academic year,
ECTS (ECTS): European Credit Transfer System,
Department of Education and Training: Lokman Hekim University Department of Education and Training,
Faculty/Vocational School Administrative Board: The Board of Directors of the relevant Faculty and Vocational School of Lokman Hekim University,
Coordinator: The academic staff responsible for the management of the Common Courses Coordination Office,
Common Courses Coordination Office: The unit formed to ensure the organisation and coordination of common elective courses,
Compulsory Common Courses: Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution, Information Technologies, Turkish Language and Quality Management in Health Services course that students are obliged to take,
Elective Common Courses: Courses that are appropriate to the interests and competencies of the students, including personal development, art, general culture, foreign languages, sports, health, environment, computer programmes, science and technology, social responsibility, social sensitivity, various subjects that will contribute to personal change and development,
Rector: Rector of Lokman Hekim University
refers to.
Coordinatorship, Course Opening, Registration Process and Applications
Determination of coordinatorship and common courses
ARTICLE 5- (1) The Rector shall appoint a Coordinator from among the academic staff of the University and at least
Appoints two members for three years to carry out the common courses coordinatorship.
(2) All works and procedures related to common courses; Faculty, School of Higher Education
administrations and other relevant units.
(3) The coordinator ensures that all activities related to education and training are carried out regularly and efficiently.
execution of the programme and ensuring the effective use of resources. Teaching
The Coordinator monitors the performance of their duties.
(4) Joint courses are offered in associate and undergraduate programmes. Requests for joint courses are submitted to the Faculty/School
boards are discussed and resolved.
(5) Common courses are entered into the student information system by the Department of Education and Training on the dates specified in the University academic calendar each year.
Registration and operation of joint courses
ARTICLE 6- (1) Students can select the courses they are interested in from the list of common courses in the student information system.
They register by choosing at least one course according to their abilities. Course selection can be changed on the dates specified in the academic calendar.
(2) Common elective courses must be chosen by at least 15 and at most 60 students in order to be opened. Students enrolled in common courses that are not opened when there is not enough number of preferences prefer other common elective courses to be taught in the add-delete week.
(3) In common courses, education is carried out theoretically or practically or by distance education method according to the content.
(4) The provisions of Lokman Hekim University Associate Degree, Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations, Faculty of Medicine Education and Examination Regulations, Faculty of Medicine Education and Examination Regulations, Faculty of Dentistry Education and Examination Regulations and Foreign Language Education and Training Directive are applied in the attendance, examination and success evaluation of common courses.
(5) Students do not have to retake the failed common elective course. Failed
Another common elective course can be chosen instead of the common elective course.
Miscellaneous and Final Provisions
Cases where there is no provision
ARTICLE 7- (1) In cases where there is no provision in this directive; the provisions of other relevant legislation and
The decisions of the Council of Higher Education, the Senate and the University Administrative Board are applied.
ARTICLE 8- (1) This directive enters into force on the date of its publication.
ARTICLE 9- (1) The provisions of this directive shall be executed by the Rector of Lokman Hekim University.