Faculty Education Commission Members
- Prof. Dr. Songül AKSOY (Chair)
- Prof. Dr. Fatma ÖZ
- Prof. Dr. Nilgün BEK
- Prof. Dr. Aynur Ayşe KARADUMAN
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Banu ÜNVER
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Didem ŞİMŞEK KÜÇÜKKELEPÇE
- Prof. Dr. Lecturer Prof. Dr. Ayşe İlayda MUTLU
- Prof. Dr. Lecturer Prof. Dr. Nükhet BAYER
- Prof. Dr. Lecturer Member Özlem BARAN
Working Principles and Procedures
Members of the Faculty Strategy Development and Monitoring Commission
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Banu ÜNVER (Coordinator)
- Assoc.Dr.Meltem Meric
- Prof. Dr. Lecturer. Member Berrin PAZAR
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Didem ŞİMŞEK KÜÇÜKKELEPÇE
- Prof. Dr. Lecturer Prof. Dr. Esra TÜRKER
- Prof. Dr. Lecturer Prof. Dr. Ayşe İlayda MUTLU
- Prof. Dr. Lecturer Prof. Dr. Kadriye DEMİR
- Prof. Dr. Lecturer Prof. Dr. Nükhet BAYER
- Prof. Dr. Lecturer Prof. Dr. Özlem BARAN
- Prof. Dr. Lecturer Prof. Dr. Eylem SARAÇ
- Prof. Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Dilek ÖZGEDİK
- Lecturer. Birgül DAĞ
- Lecturer. Azize Reda TUNÇ
- Lecturer. Özlem Ülkü BULUT
- Lecturer. Başak Çağla ARSLAN
- Prof. Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Ebru INAN KIRMIZIGÜL
- Lecturer. Cemaliye Süt
- Lecturer. Nurbanu ODACI
- Lecturer. Nursena NAHYA
- Lecturer. Şevval Özüm AÇIKSÖZ
Working Principles and Procedures
Faculty Quality and Accreditation Commission Members
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Didem ŞİMŞEK KÜÇÜKKELEPÇE
- Prof. Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Berrin PAZAR
- Prof. Dr. Lecturer Prof. Dr. Eylem SARAÇ
- Prof. Dr. Lecturer Prof. Dr. Ayşe İlayda MUTLU
- Prof. Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Ebru INAN KIRMIZIGÜL
- Lecturer. Birgül DAĞ
- Lecturer Gör. Başak Çağla ARSLAN
- Lecturer. Azize Reda TUNÇ
Working Principles and Procedures
Members of the Faculty Scientific and Social Activities Commission
- Lecturer Melek Nur Uygun
- Lecturer Gör. Şevval Özüm AÇIKSÖZ
Working Principles and Procedures
Faculty Student Quality Commission Members
- Sena Yurter - Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
- Hatice Kübra Gündağ- Department of Speech and Language Therapy
- Irem Altuntas-Medicine Department
- Azra Naz Topçu - Occupational Therapy Department
- Beyza Karatepe - Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
- Özgenur Şahiner-Nursing Department
Working Principles and Procedures
Faculty Examination Committee Members
- President: Ayhan DAĞ
- Nursing Commission Member: Research Assistant. Gör. Hafize SAVAŞ
- Midwifery Commission Member: Lect. Grv. Lect. Gör. Nurgül ŞİMAL YAVUZ
- Nutrition and Dietetics Commission Member: Lecturer Cemaliye SÜTÇÜ
- Speech and Language Therapy Commission Member: Prof. Dr. Fatmanur Köklü Şimşek
- Occupational Therapy Commission Member: Research Assistant. Gör. Duygu Mine ALATAŞ
- Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Commission Member: Prof. Dr. Bilge
- Audiology Commission Member: Lecturer. Gör. Şevval Özüm AÇIKSÖZ
Working Principles and Procedures
Faculty Coordinatorships
Erasmus+ Program Coordinatorship Members
- Prof. Dr. A. Ayşe KARADUMAN
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Didem ŞİMŞEK KÜÇÜKKELEPÇE
- Prof. Dr. Lecturer Prof. Dr. Esra TÜRKER
- Prof. Dr. Lecturer Member Ayşe İlayda MUTLU
- Lect.Grv. Nursena NAHYA
- Lecturer Gör. Elif CİMİLLİ
- Lect. Grv. Şevval Özüm AÇIKSÖZ
Working Principles and Procedures
Bologna Coordinatorship Members
- Prof. Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Berrin PAZAR (Coordinator)
- Prof. Dr. Lecturer Member Eylem SARAÇ KAYA
- Prof. Dr. Lecturer Ayşe İlayda Mutlu
- Lecturer Gör. Fatmanur KOKLÜ ŞİMŞEK
- Research Assistant. Gör. Aybüke COŞKUN
- Lecturer Gör. Gurbet YETİŞKİN EROĞUL
- Lecturer Gör. Başak Çağla ARSLAN
- Research Assistant. Gör. Aybüke COŞKUN
- Research Assistant. Gör. Hilal Merve BELEN
Working Principles and Procedures
Corporate Education Management and Planning System (KEYPS) Coordinatorship Members
- Lecturer Gör. A. Reda Tunç (Coordinator)
- Research Assistant. Gör. Hafize SAVAŞ (Coordinator)
Working Principles and Procedures
Members of the Web Page Coordinatorship
- Prof. Dr. Lecturer. Member Eylem SARAÇ-KAYA
- Lecturer Melek Nur Uygun
- Prof. Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Ebru INAN KIRMIZIGÜL
- Research Assistant. Gör. Mustafa Sarı
- Research Assistant. Gör. Merve ÇİL
- Research Assistant. Gör. Enes KARTAL
- Research Assistant. Gör. Duygu Mine ALATAŞ
Working Principles and Procedures