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  • Cellular and Molecular Medicine Doctorate Program

    General Information

    Lokman Hekim University, Interdisciplinary Cellular and Molecular Medicine Doctorate Program was opened by the resolutions passed by the Executive Council of Higher Education at the meetings dated 24.03.2021 and 31.03.2021. The education period of program is 4 years and the course language is Turkish. Approximately 5 students are accepted to Program every year. The cells comprising of the human body and the functional molecules are the fundamental elements of body both in health and sickness. In cells, molecular interactions are the primary players of homeostatic mechanism. The molecular and cellular information provided in the medical study at basic science level is the information that must be referred to frequently in the future educational and professional life. Information at molecular level is quickly increased and paves the way for the significant developments in the medical field. Especially, underlying causes of pathologies in human result from many sources and require interdisciplinary approaches to understand. Therefore, interdisciplinary approaches are also important for the treatment of diseases. So, understanding of diseases at molecular level makes diagnosis and treatment processes effective. Investigation of function of cells and molecules as well as interactions at higher level would make significant contribution to diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. It would contribute to science of medicine and be useful to community health to enrich the molecular and cellular research with doctorate program, conduct advanced doctorate thesis research, and publish it on the national and international prestigious journals. For this purpose, post-graduation education is the key. The Interdisciplinary Cellular and Molecular Medicine doctorate program will contribute to educating qualified scientists with investigative thinking and healthcare professionals with higher capabilities.

    Acquired Degree

    Doctoral Degree on Interdisciplinary Cellular and Molecular Medicine

    Education Level

    Doctorate Level

    Acceptance and Enrolment Conditions

    Postgraduate Education Instruction of Institute of Medical Sciences, Lokman Hekim University shall apply to student applications for proposed program, entrance exams (in writing/ interview), calculation of success point, and placement of students. Furthermore, specific conditions required from the applied students, place and date of entrance exam are determined with recommendation of Department and Institute’s Management Board’s resolution prior to each application period; it is announced prior to applications. Those who have a specialist degree in Medicine-Medicine discipline, graduates of Faculties of Dentistry, Veterinary and Pharmacy, and those who have a master’s degree or specialist degree in Molecular Medicine, Biochemistry, Biology, Medical Biology, Immunology, Neurology, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Molecular and Clinical Genetics, and Bioengineering may apply to Interdisciplinary Cellular and Molecular Medicine Doctorate Program if they meet the required conditions; and they also may benefit from the horizontal transfer quota. Students graduated from the basic medicine disciplines of universities, the students graduated from the biology, chemistry and physics Undergraduate/Postgraduate programs, and the students whose diploma is deemed appropriate by the Department Academic Board and by the Institute Board may apply to the proposed programs. Turkish or foreign students who have completed a master’s degree program in foreign countries must have a certificate of equivalence or certificate of recognition issued by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK). The score for ALES (SAY/EA) must not be less than 55 for the applications to program as determined by the Institute Board. The candidates are also required to get a point not less than 55 on the central foreign language exams recognized by YÖK and on the international foreign language exams deemed equivalent by ÖSYM. The said point must be equivalent to the point determined by the Senate upon recommendation of Department Academic Board and resolution of Institute Board. The students who meet the application conditions must take the scientific assessment exam (written exam and/or interview). Calculation of general final grade is based on the ALES score, Foreign Language point, grade point average of postgraduate graduation and the result of scientific assessment exam. The students will be entitled to final enrolment within the specified quota on the basis of general final grade ranking.

    Acquired Degree Requirements and Rules

    For students to achieve a Doctoral Degree on the Interdisciplinary Cellular and Molecular Medicine, they are required to complete minimum 240 ECTS credits including minimum seven courses, seminar, qualification exam, thesis proposal and thesis study provided that it is not less than a total of twenty-one credits, and one academic year is not less than 60 ECTS credits. For students to complete these credits, there are compulsory and elective courses in the program. Students complete the total credit in eight terms (4 years). Duration of doctorate study may be extended to 12 terms at most. The courses of doctorate program must be successfully completed in maximum two years with a grade point average of minimum 3.00. The students who have failed to complete the courses successfully at the end of this period, or who have a grade point average equal to or over 3.00 will take the doctorate qualification exam. To take the Doctorate Qualification Exam, students must get 60 out of 100 on the central foreign language exams recognized by YÖK, or get a point on the international foreign language exams deemed equivalent by ÖSYM. For the students who pass the Doctorate Qualification Exam, a Thesis Monitoring Committee (TİK) will be appointed no later than one month by the recommendation of relevant Institute Department Head and approval of the relevant management board in order to approve the doctorate thesis proposal of students and monitor the doctorate thesis study afterwards. Students who have passed the doctorate qualification exam will orally defend their thesis proposal before the TİK no later than six months. The thesis proposal includes the purpose of thesis study, methods, and future work plan. Students who are successful at thesis proposal will start research study on the thesis subject under the supervision of thesis advisor. Minimum three (TİK) reports must be submitted to conclude the student’s thesis. The thesis defence test consists of presentation of thesis study followed by a question-answer process. Students whose thesis is accepted are deemed successful.

    Recognition of Previous Studies

    Recognition of previous studies is subject to Postgraduate Education Regulation of Lokman Hekim University.

    Objectives of Program

    It would contribute to science of medicine and be useful to community health to enrich the molecular and cellular research with postgraduate and doctorate program, conduct advanced doctorate thesis research, and publish it on the national and international prestigious journals. For this purpose, post-graduation education is the key. The Interdisciplinary Cellular and Molecular Medicine doctorate program will contribute to educating qualified scientists with investigative thinking and healthcare professionals with higher capabilities. So, this Program will be carried out by the Interdisciplinary Cellular and Molecular Medicine Department as organized by the academic members specialized in different branches of science within the Institute of Medical Sciences of our University. We will focus on the research objectives as well as on the theoretical and practical study. This doctorate program is intended to educate scientists in the fundamental and practical fields of medicine who have acquired a holistic view, and who are able produce solutions to respond to current needs.  

    Fundamental Acquirements from the Program

    1. They develop a skill to access information in an extensive and in-depth manner by doing scientific research on the Cellular and Molecular Medicine, and to evaluate, interpret and implement the information.
    2. They develop a skill to integrate information on various disciplines concerning practical fields of Cellular and Molecular Medicine.
    3. They are able to recognize the problems with Cellular and Molecular Medicine, develop methods for solution, and implement the obtained information.
    4. They develop a skill to produce new and original ideas and methods.
    5. They are able to access scientific information on the Cellular and Molecular Medicine, interpret critically and use such information.
    6. They develop a skill to be aware of new and developing applications in the fields of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, and use and teach them when necessary.
    7. They develop a skill to do research independently to produce evidential information on the practical fields of Cellular and Molecular Medicine.
    8. They develop a skill to convey (whether in writing or orally) the scientific information obtained by them at national or international platforms in a systematic and open manner.
    9. They develop a skill to take the lead within the health team, develop solution methods in case of complicated situations, and take responsibility.
    10. They develop a skill to follow ethical and professional principles in any phases of education, practice and research activities.

    Employment Opportunities

    The primary area of employment for the graduates of Interdisciplinary Cellular and Molecular Medicine Doctorate Program is to be placed in the academic staff needed by our country in the departments delivering study in the cellular and/or molecular medicine departments of universities or medical sciences. Besides, doctors of Philosophy and basic medical scientists with doctoral degree may work as a researcher in the relevant units of public or private universities.

    Transfer to Upper Programs

    The candidates who get a doctoral degree may apply for readership if they complete the required academic studies.

    Assessment and Evaluation

    The Postgraduate Education Regulation of Lokman Hekim University shall apply to any educational study of students and giving marks to tests.

    Graduation Conditions

    For students to be graduated from the Gynaecology and Obstetrics Nursing Doctorate Program, they are required to complete all the courses in the program successfully, have minimum 240 ECTS credits, and have a grade point average of minimum 3.00 out of 4.00. The students are also required to pass the doctorate qualification exam. To take the Doctorate Qualification Exam, students must get 60 out of 100 on the central foreign language exams recognized by YÖK, or get a point on the international foreign language exams deemed equivalent by ÖSYM. Students who pass the Doctorate Qualification Exam are required to prepare a doctorate thesis on the Gynaecology and Obstetrics Nursing guided by the thesis advisor, and to orally and successfully defend the thesis before the jury. After completion of thesis exam, the jury will decide to accept, reject or correct the thesis with absolute majority. Student’s graduation date will be the date when the student successfully defends thesis before the jury.

    Study Type

    Study type is full-time. When necessary, courses and exams may be taken after the end of working hours during the week and/or on the Saturday and Sunday.

    Program Supervisor and Contact Details

    Prof Dr Belma TURAN Head of Interdisciplinary Cellular and Molecular Medicine E-mail: belma.turan@lokmanhekim.edu.tr Phone: 444 8 548  Extension: 6133

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