Sağlık Araştırmalarında Yayın Aşamasında Etik Sorunlar
Master's Programs
- Analytical Chemistry Master (With Thesis)
- Nutrition and Dietetics Master (With Thesis)
- Maternity And Gynecology Nursing Master Program (With Thesıs)
- Midwifery Master Program (with Thesis)
- Occupational Therapy Master Program (Thesis)
- Pharmaceutical Toxicology Master (With Thesis)
- Master’s Degree on Pharmaceutical Technology (With Thesis)
- Pharmaceutical Technology Master (Non-Thesis)
- Pharmacognosy Master (Thesis)
- Physical Exercise, Health And Sports Science Master Program (With Thesis)
- Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation Master Program (With Thesis)
- Physiology Master (Thesis)
- Traditional And Complementary Medicine Master (Thesis)
- Master’s Degree on Public Health Nursing (with Thesis)
- Master’s Degree Program With Thesis On Hospital Pharmacy (Thesis)
- Halal Product Development Master (Thesis)
- Master of Science in Halal Product Development (non-Thesis)
- Nursing Management Master's Program (Thesis)
- Histology and Embryology Master (With Thesis)
- Master’s Degree on Cellular and Molecular Medicine (With Thesis)
- Pharmaceutical Research and Development Studies (With Thesis)
- Audiology Master (Thesis)
- Orthotics-Prosthetics Master's Program (Thesis)
- Master’s Degree on Psychiatric Nursing (with Thesis)
- Research Master in Health Sciences (Non-Thesis)
- Health Economics Master's (Thesis)
- Health Management Master Program (With Thesis)
- Health Administration Master (Non-Thesis)
- Sports Pharmacy Master's Program (Non-Thesis)
- Medıcal Biochemistry (With Thesis)
- Medical Pharmacology Master's Program (Thesis)
- Medical Microbiology Master Program (With Thesis)
- Regulatory Affairs for Medical Products Master (Non-Thesis)
PhD Programs
- Nutrition and Dietetics Doctoral Program
- Maternity And Gynecology Nursing Doctoral Program
- Pharmaceutical Toxicology Doctoral Program
- Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Doctoral Program
- PhD Program in Physiology
- Medical Biochemistry Doctoral Program
- Cellular and Molecular Medicine Doctorate Program
- PhD Program in Histology and Embryology
- PhD Program in Restorative Dentistry
- Medical Biochemistry Doctorate Program
- PhD Program in Medical Pharmacology
- Medical Microbiology Doctorate Program
- PhD Program in Prosthetic Dentistry
Tarih: 17.06.2022
Lokman Hekim Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Disiplinler Arası Sağlık Araştırmaları Anabilim Dalı Sağlık Araştırmalarında Etik Online Seminerleri Devam Ediyor. Uygulamalı Etik/Biyoetik ve Tıp Etiği Tarım Gıda Etiği Derneği (TARGET) Genel Sekreteri Prof. Dr. Yasemin YALIM'ın katılımları ile ''Sağlık Araştırmalarında Yayın Aşamasında Etik Sorunlar'' başlıklı seminer Prof. Dr. Zehra GÖLBAŞI ve Yük. Lis. Öğr. Aliye DOĞAN GANGAL moderatörlüğünde 22 Haziran 2022, Çarşamba günü saat 12.30'da gerçekleştirilecektir. Katılmak için tıklayınız. Youtube canlı yayını için tıklayınız