• TR | EN
  • Tarih: 13.08.2024

    tuesday, august 13, 2024

    Official Gazette

    Issue : 32631

    From Lokman Hekim University Rectorate

    In order to be employed in the units affiliated to our university, academic staff will be recruited according to the conditions specified in the relevant articles of the Higher Education Law No. 2547, the Regulation on Promotion and Appointment to Faculty Members, the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Central Examination and Entrance Examinations to be Applied in Appointments to Academic Staff Positions Other than Faculty Members and Lokman Hekim University Directive on Promotion and Appointment Criteria for Faculty Members.

    Application Period: 13/08/2024 -27/08/2024

    Application Deadline: 27/08/2024 Time: 17:00

    Documents Required for Application : Curriculum vitae (YÖK format), 2 photographs, copy of identity card, criminal record, military service certificate, graduation certificate, foreign language certificate.

    Examination Calendar for Lecturer and Research Assistant:

    Preliminary Evaluation Results Announcement Date : 02/09/2024

    Entrance Exam Date : 05/09/2024

    Result Announcement Date : 09/09/2024

    1- FOR PROFESSOR STAFF (Application Petition) and (Minimum Criteria Statement for Turkish Program -for English Program)

    Candidates applying for professor positions should submit a curriculum vitae (YÖK format), two (2) photographs, photocopy of identity card, military service certificate, and certified copies of bachelor's, master's, doctorate or specialization certificate and associate professorship certificate (notarized or can be approved by our University provided that photocopies are brought with the original) and 6 (six) portable memory sticks (associate professorship foreign language certificate, diploma samples, curriculum vitae and list of publications, including scientific studies and publications) to the Personnel Affairs Coordinator of our University in person or by mail.
    In addition, in accordance with Article 14 of the “Regulation on Promotion and Appointment to Faculty Membership”, they will indicate their main research works in their publication lists.

    2- FOR 2-DOCTOR STAFF (Application Petition) and (Minimum Criteria Statement for Turkish Program - for English Program)

    Candidates applying for associate professor positions should submit a curriculum vitae (YÖK format), two (2) photographs, photocopy of identity card, military service certificate, certified copies of bachelor's, master's, doctorate or specialization certificate and associate professorship certificate (notarized or approved by our University provided that photocopies are brought with the original) and 4 (four) portable memory sticks (associate professorship foreign language certificate, diploma samples, curriculum vitae and list of publications, scientific studies and publications) to the University Personnel Affairs Coordinatorship in person or by mail.

    3- FOR DOCTORAL TEACHER STAFF (Application Petition) and (Minimum Criteria Statement for Turkish Program - for English Program)

    Candidates applying for Assistant Professor positions should submit a CV (YÖK format), two (2) photographs, a copy of their identity card, a copy of their military service certificate, certified copies of their bachelor's, master's, doctorate and specialization certificates (notarized or can be approved by our University provided that photocopies are brought with the original) and 4 (four) portable memory sticks (foreign language certificate, diploma samples, curriculum vitae and list of publications, scientific studies and publications) to the Personnel Affairs Coordinator of our University in person or by mail.


    1- Petition (In the application petitions, the applied staff, unit, title and the candidate's contact information (address, phone number, e-mail, etc.) will be clearly stated.

    2- Photocopy of Identity Card,

    3- Curriculum Vitae, (in YÖK format)

    4- For male candidates, a document stating that they are demobilized, deferred or exempt from military service, (barcoded from e-government)

    5- Certified copies of undergraduate-graduate diplomas or e-government printouts with barcodes (notarized or can be approved by our University provided that photocopies are brought with the original), student certificate if the graduate student is continuing

    6- A photocopy of the document showing the equivalence of the diplomas of graduates of foreign higher education institutions by the Interuniversity Board (approved document)

    7- Official Transcripts (related to Undergraduate Education) (certified document)

    8- ALES Certificate

    9- 2 photographs (must have been taken within the last six months)

    10- Foreign Language Certificate

    11- Document showing experience (to be taken depending on the announced position) (approved document)

    12- Social Security Institution service breakdown (barcoded from e-government) or Service Certificate from the Service Tracking Program (HITAP) (Those who are currently working in a public institution and those who have left will bring) (approved document)

    13- Criminal record (barcoded from e-government)

    General conditions

    (1) For appointments to academic staff positions within the scope of this Regulation

    a) To meet the conditions specified in Article 48 of the Civil Servants Law No. 657,

    b) At least 70 points from ALES, at least 50 points from the central foreign language exam accepted by the Higher Education Council or an equivalent score from an exam accepted as equivalent. ALES score is accepted as 70 in the preliminary evaluation and final evaluation stages of those who request to benefit from the central exam exemption.

    (2) Universities and institutes of high technology, except for lecturer positions in the specialization areas of vocational schools determined by the Council of Higher Education, may determine a score above the ALES and foreign language score thresholds determined in this Regulation as the minimum score by the senate decision.

    (3) The equivalence of the 4-point and 5-point grading systems to be used in the calculation of the undergraduate graduation grade in the preliminary and final evaluation stages to the 100-point grading system is determined by the decision of the Council of Higher Education. The senates of higher education institutions decide on the equivalence of other grading systems to the 100 grade system.

    Special requirements

    (1) Candidates who will apply for lecturer positions must have at least a master's degree with thesis.


    (1) The central exam requirement is not required for those who have completed their doctorate or specialization in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and veterinary medicine or proficiency in art, those who will be appointed to the specialization areas of vocational schools determined by the Council of Higher Education, those who have worked or are working as lecturers in higher education institutions.

    (2) No foreign language requirement is required for applications to be made to the teaching staff of vocational schools, except for the teaching assistant positions within the scope of the fourth paragraph of Article 6 of this Regulation.


    • Doctorate, associate professor and professorship diplomas and titles obtained from foreign countries must be approved by the Interuniversity Board.
    • Those who are working in any public institution (even if they have worked and left before) will attach the approved service certificate including the disciplinary investigation history and the reason for leaving and military service status documents to their application documents.
    • If a photocopy of the documents requested as notarized in the application is seen together with the original, “as original” approval can be made by our University.
    • In the application petition, all contact information of the candidate (mobile, work, home phone and e-mail address) will be specified.
    • Applications will be made in person or by mail, and the files received after 17.00 on the deadline for applications made by mail will not be taken into consideration.

    Application Period: 13/08/2024 -27/08/2024

    Application Deadline: 27/08/2024 Time: 17:00

    Examination Calendar for Lecturer and Research Assistant:

    Preliminary Evaluation Results Announcement Date: 02/09/2024

    Entrance Exam Date : 05/09/2024

    Result Announcement Date : 09/09/2024

    LHU Directive on Promotion and Appointment Criteria for Faculty Membership: Öğretim-Üyyeleliğine-Yükseltiltilme-ve-Atanma-Kriterleri-Yönergesi-16032023.pdf (lokmanhekim.edu.tr)

    Legislation to be Applied in Research and Lecturer Appointments: Legislation Information System


    Department / Division of Science / Division


    Number of Staff


    Medicine (Eng)

    Pediatric Surgery

    Prof. / Assoc. /
    Dr. Lecturer. Member


    To be a specialist in Pediatric Surgery, to meet one of the conditions specified in paragraph 7 of Article 8 of the Regulation on the Principles Regarding Foreign Language Teaching and Teaching in Foreign Languages in Higher Education Institutions


    Pediatric Surgery

    Prof. / Assoc. /
    Dr. Lecturer. Member


    Specialization in Pediatric Surgery

    Medicine (Eng)

    Thoracic Surgery

    Prof. / Assoc. /
    Dr. Lecturer. Member


    To be a specialist in Thoracic Surgery, to meet one of the conditions specified in paragraph 7 of Article 8 of the Regulation on the Principles Regarding Foreign Language Teaching and Teaching in Foreign Languages in Higher Education Institutions


    Thoracic Surgery

    Prof. / Assoc. /
    Dr. Lecturer. Member


    Specialization in Thoracic Surgery

    Medicine (Eng)


    Prof. / Assoc. /
    Dr. Lecturer. Member


    To be a neurology specialist, to meet one of the conditions in paragraph 7 of Article 8 of the Regulation on the Principles Regarding Foreign Language Teaching and Teaching in Foreign Languages in Higher Education Institutions



    Prof. / Assoc. /
    Dr. Lecturer. Member


    Neurology specialization

    Medicine (Eng)

    Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

    Prof. / Assoc. /
    Dr. Lecturer. Member


    To be a specialist in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, to meet one of the conditions in paragraph 7 of Article 8 of the Regulation on the Principles Regarding Foreign Language Teaching and Foreign Language Teaching in Higher Education Institutions


    Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

    Prof. / Assoc. /
    Dr. Lecturer. Member


    Specialization in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

    Medicine (Eng)

    Gynecology and Obstetrics

    Prof. / Assoc. /
    Dr. Lecturer. Member


    To be an expert in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology, to meet one of the conditions in paragraph 7 of Article 8 of the Regulation on the Principles Regarding Foreign Language Teaching and Teaching in Foreign Languages in Higher Education Institutions

    Medicine (Eng)

    Emergency Medicine

    Prof. / Assoc. /
    Dr. Lecturer. Member


    To be a specialist in Emergency Medicine, to meet one of the conditions in paragraph 7 of Article 8 of the Regulation on the Principles Regarding Foreign Language Teaching and Foreign Language Teaching in Higher Education Institutions


    Emergency Medicine

    Prof. / Assoc. /
    Dr. Lecturer. Member


    To be an Emergency Medicine specialist

    Medicine (Eng)


    Prof. / Assoc. /
    Dr. Lecturer. Member


    To have a PhD in the field of Biophysics, to meet one of the conditions in paragraph 7 of Article 8 of the Regulation on the Principles Regarding Foreign Language Teaching and Teaching in Foreign Languages in Higher Education Institutions

    Medicine (Eng)

    Child Health and Diseases

    Prof. / Assoc. /
    Dr. Lecturer. Member


    To be a specialist in Pediatrics, to meet one of the conditions specified in paragraph 7 of Article 8 of the Regulation on the Principles Regarding Foreign Language Teaching and Teaching in Foreign Languages in Higher Education Institutions


    Child Health and Diseases

    Prof. / Assoc. /
    Dr. Lecturer. Member


    To be a specialist in Pediatrics

    Medicine (Eng)

    Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology

    Prof. / Assoc. /
    Dr. Lecturer. Member


    To be an Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology specialist, to meet one of the conditions in paragraph 7 of Article 8 of the Regulation on the Principles Regarding Foreign Language Teaching and Teaching in Foreign Languages in Higher Education Institutions


    Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology

    Prof. / Assoc. /
    Dr. Lecturer. Member


    Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology specialist,

    Medicine (Eng)

    Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

    Prof. / Assoc. /
    Dr. Lecturer. Member


    To be a specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, to meet one of the conditions in paragraph 7 of Article 8 of the Regulation on the Principles Regarding Foreign Language Teaching and Teaching in Foreign Languages in Higher Education Institutions

    Medicine (Eng)


    Prof. / Assoc. /
    Dr. Lecturer. Member


    To have a specialization or doctorate in the field of physiology, to meet one of the conditions in paragraph 7 of Article 8 of the Regulation on the Principles Regarding Foreign Language Teaching and Teaching in Foreign Languages in Higher Education Institutions

    Medicine (Eng)

    Medical Pharmacology

    Prof. / Assoc. /
    Dr. Lecturer. Member


    To have a specialization or doctorate in the field of Medical Pharmacology, to meet one of the conditions in paragraph 7 of Article 8 of the Regulation on the Principles Regarding Foreign Language Teaching and Teaching in Foreign Languages in Higher Education Institutions


    Medical Pharmacology

    Prof. Dr. Faculty Member


    Having a medical specialty or doctorate in the field of Medical Pharmacology, having clinical research on potentially inappropriate drugs in the elderly


    Internal Medicine

    Prof. Dr.


    To be a specialist and associate professor of Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology


    Internal Medicine

    Prof. Dr.


    To be a specialist and associate professor of Internal Medicine and Hematology, to have experience and studies on apheresis, stem cell transplantation and geriatric hematology


    Internal Medicine

    Prof. Dr.


    Internal Medicine specialist and Gastroenterology subspecialist


    Internal Medicine

    Assoc. Prof. Dr.


    Internal Medicine specialist and Medical Oncology minor specialist



    Prof. / Assoc. /
    Dr. Lecturer. Member


    Urology specialization



    Prof. / Assoc. /
    Dr. Lecturer. Member


    To be a radiology specialist


    Medical Education

    Prof. / Assoc. /
    Dr. Lecturer. Member


    To have a doctorate in the Department of Medical Education or to be doing a master's or doctorate in Medical Education in addition to a specialization in the field of medicine


    Brain and Nerve Surgery

    Assoc. Dr.


    To be a specialist in Neurosurgery


    Skin and Venereal Diseases

    Prof. / Assoc. /
    Dr. Lecturer. Member


    To be a specialist in skin and venereal diseases



    Prof. / Assoc. /
    Dr. Lecturer. Member


    For Assistant Prof. and Associate Prof. and Associate Professor in the field of biostatistics


    General Surgery

    Assoc. Prof. Dr.


    General Surgery specialist and Gastroenterologic Surgery subspecialist

    Pharmacy (Eng)

    Pharmaceutical Chemistry

    Prof. / Assoc. /
    Dr. Lecturer. Member


    To be a graduate of the Faculty of Pharmacy, to have a PhD in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, to meet one of the conditions in paragraph 7 of Article 8 of the Regulation on the Principles Regarding Foreign Language Teaching and Foreign Language Teaching in Higher Education Institutions



    Assoc. Prof. Dr.


    To be a graduate of Faculty of Pharmacy, to have a PhD in Pharmacology and to be an associate professor, to have studies on hypertension and aging



    Prof. Dr. Faculty Member


    Graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy, PhD in Pharmacology or Molecular Medicine

    Pharmacy (Eng)

    Pharmaceutical Microbiology

    Prof. / Assoc. /
    Dr. Lecturer. Member


    To have a PhD in Microbiology/Pharmaceutical Microbiology, to meet one of the conditions specified in paragraph 7 of Article 8 of the Regulation on the Principles Regarding Foreign Language Teaching and Foreign Language Teaching in Higher Education Institutions

    Pharmacy (Eng)

    Clinical Pharmacy

    Prof. Dr. Faculty member


    To be a graduate of the Faculty of Pharmacy, to have a doctorate in Clinical Pharmacy, to meet one of the conditions in paragraph 7 of Article 8 of the Regulation on the Principles Regarding Foreign Language Teaching and Foreign Language Teaching in Higher Education Institutions


    Pharmaceutical Toxicology

    Prof. / Assoc. /
    Dr. Lecturer. Member


    To be a graduate of Faculty of Pharmacy, to have a PhD in Pharmaceutical Toxicology


    Pharmaceutical Microbiology

    Research Assistant


    To be a graduate of the Faculty of Pharmacy, to be doing a master's degree / doctorate in the field of Pharmaceutical Microbiology


    Pharmaceutical Toxicology

    Research Assistant


    To be a graduate of the Faculty of Pharmacy, to be doing a master's degree / doctorate in the field of Pharmaceutical Toxicology



    Research Assistant


    To be a graduate of the Faculty of Pharmacy, to be doing a doctorate in Pharmacognosy



    Research Assistant


    Graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy.



    Teaching Assistant


    To have a bachelor's degree in Nursing and to have a PhD in the Department of Nursing. Higher Education

    To have at least 5 (five) years of teaching experience in their institutions.



    Prof. Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr.


    Master's degree with thesis in the Department of Surgical Diseases Nursing

    Bachelor's Degree, Department of Nursing

    to have a doctorate degree.



    Teaching Assistant


    Bachelor's degree in Midwifery, Midwifery or Obstetrics and Gynecology

    To have a master's degree in Nursing program.


    Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

    Teaching Assistant


    To have a bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation and to be a doctoral candidate in the field of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Pelvic Health and Women's Health and to have studies in this field


    Occupational Therapy

    Prof. Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr.


    To have a bachelor's degree in Occupational Therapy and to have a doctorate in Occupational Therapy


    Occupational Therapy

    Teaching Assistant


    To have a bachelor's degree in Occupational Therapy and a master's degree in Neuroscience

    Sport Sciences


    Prof. Dr. Faculty Member


    To have a master's and doctorate degree in the field of Movement and Training Sciences. To have at least first level swimming coaching certificate. To have at least two publications in indexed journals in the field of neurophysiology.

    Sport Sciences

    Sport Management

    Teaching Assistant


    To have a bachelor's degree in Physical Education and Sports Teaching. To have a master's degree in the field of movement and training sciences. To have at least 80 points from ALES and YÖKDİL exams. To have 1st level swimming coaching certificate and 2nd level gymnastics coaching certificate.


    Medical Laboratory

    Prof. Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr.


    To have a bachelor's degree in Molecular Biology and Genetics, to have a master's degree with thesis and a doctorate in Medical Microbiology, to have at least three years of teaching at the associate degree level and at least 5 years of clinical laboratory experience.



    Prof. Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr.


    To have a bachelor's degree in Nursing, a master's degree with thesis in the Department of Surgical Diseases Nursing and a doctorate in the Department of Nursing. At least three years of teaching at the associate degree level and at least 10 years of clinical experience

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