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  • First Application to Özgür Köy

    Lokman Hekim Sincan Hospital is an institution where individuals facing alcohol and substance use issues first apply and receive outpatient treatment services. This is the first place where our patients take a step towards a life filled with health. Our patients begin to benefit from outpatient services by making an appointment through the '444 99 11' phone number for the Özgür Köy Treatment and Rehabilitation Center to start treatment. At this stage, our experts assess the needs of our patients and create personalized treatment plans.

    During outpatient follow-ups, situations may arise where some of our patients may not make sufficient progress and may need inpatient care. However, the decision for inpatient care is always made according to the patient's own wishes. Respect is shown for human rights and individual preferences.

    The duration of inpatient treatment is determined according to the patient's needs and lasts approximately 4-6 weeks. There are no readmissions within 6 months after discharge. Outpatient follow-ups continue for at least 1 year after discharge.

    We expect some important conditions from patients applying for inpatient treatment. For example, it is necessary not to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of admission. This helps the treatment progress safely and effectively.

    We are here for each of our patients and to help them return to a life filled with health. Our goal is to build a hopeful future together and support every individual struggling with addiction.

    Contact Us:

    Phone: (0501) 705 32 42

    Lokman Hekim University Sincan Hospital

    For Appointments and Consultations: 444 99 11 (You can request a psychiatry appointment by calling Sincan Hospital.)

    Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A) Group

    Phone: 0312 443 46 07

    Address: SSK Business Center Block A Floor: 12, No: 921-922 Kızılay/ANKARA

    Narcotics Anonymous (N.A) Group

    Phone: (0536) 341 01 89

    Email Address: info@na-turkiye.org

    Feel free to call these numbers anytime you have any questions or needs. Remember, support is always within your reach.

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